Incremental Changes Bob Benninghofen Incremental Changes Bob Benninghofen

To Change Behaviors You Must Notice them First

This article focuses on questions that will help you notice what you are doing. The questions will make you aware of what is occurring. The piece encourages you to ponder the questions, apply them to your current situation, and inspect the behavior. Once you have accomplished that task, write about what you learned. Awareness is the first step toward changing the conduct or selecting a new one. Behavior change will be covered in another article.

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Expanding New Ideas Bob Benninghofen Expanding New Ideas Bob Benninghofen

Adventuring Beliefs

This article describes what it feels like and your interpretation of it when you are in the midst of a new adventure. We explore some potential ideas about sensing the excitement of the unknowing, the tsunami fear of failure, how you are drawn into the experiment of it, and ways in which you can make sense of what is occurring. Identified are some beliefs which will help you navigate your tumultuous ride through these new discoveries. Many of you have had these experiences yet you may have been unable to describe, and understand with insight’s what is happening to you during this time; you will gain new awareness.

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Known Failures, Incremental Changes Bob Benninghofen Known Failures, Incremental Changes Bob Benninghofen

Try Harder Is Never The Answer

This article poses some ideas about why trying harder usually isn’t the answer. There are common examples which we will all recognize. Along with some new thoughts of replacements for the typical “Try Harder”. This article does not reference the accepted Yoda “Try Not Do” - yet there is great wisdom in the universally known words. We suggest using the ideas on a daily basis for the next 30 days to 60 days as an experiment to see what outcomes present themselves to you.

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Instant Barriers, Effective Inquiry Bob Benninghofen Instant Barriers, Effective Inquiry Bob Benninghofen

How and What Are Fundamental Questions to Ask

Over the past few decades, the coaching business has produced many questions that one could ask themselves: many are intended to provide insight and awareness. This article will explore the most common question asked, "Why?" and the reasons it fails to produce useful and fruitful answers. The better questions exist in "How?" and "What?" and the reasons it proves far more effective at getting to the heart of causes.

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Moral Exemplars: Why Are Their Stands Significant?

This article explores moral exemplars and their ideas about morality. A wide range of authors are selected for your exposure to different perspectives. Also, links are provided to historical moral stands, such at the “10 Commandments”, “The Declaration of Independence”, and the “US Constitution”. We invite you to spend some time reading and contemplating what you learn and determine how these ideas could effect your own thinking, practicing, and believing.

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Un-Balancing Can Be An Effective Tool…

This article explores the act of balancing. There are substantial and weighty arguments for balancing as a pearl of time-tested wisdom, which comes from many varied sources, such as science, religion, philosophy, pop culture and et al. In fact, cause and effect are closely related cousins to the concept. Learned scientists, published professors and medical professionals could weigh-in with much imperial evidence in support. Just turn on the radio, your television, open the laptop to connect to the internet and you’ll be awash in some form of balancing.

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Small Business Owners Sales Problems Bob Benninghofen Small Business Owners Sales Problems Bob Benninghofen

Nine Sales Problem Indicators

This article is a quick and easy experiment to understand how you perceive your selling skills as a small business owner. Whether or not you are frustrated with your selling organization, wanting a deeper look at how effective your salespeople are, reviewing your selling processes and formalization, and other ideas about what makes selling groups thrive.

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Stop Judgments On Yourself

Have you ever wondered why you get stopped by judgment? We say this happens because it is a damaging comparison of you to something, or you to someone, or you to some unattainable standard of perfection: the Devine has perfection but we mere mortals can never attain perfection on earth in our lifetime.

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Beliefs Education, Awareness & Understanding Bob Benninghofen Beliefs Education, Awareness & Understanding Bob Benninghofen

Where Can We Find Perspective?

Many of us today think that we possess a board perspective about things in our our lives: we are no longer so sure that is the case. Let us tell you why.

Our beliefs operate behind the scenes much of the time, out of our view and awareness. In fact, so much so that we don’t even think about beliefs(s). We want you to be diligent to identify some new view points, and it will take your practicing to allow awareness to come into your perception: our experience tell us this is entirely possible for just about anyone.

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Ten Things Leaders Do Poorly

This article highlights some of the awful practices that make individual leaders ineffective. We want leaders to consider what makes them unproductive. Because of these various characteristics, they usually don’t endear themselves to their stakeholders. We encourage leaders to examine the effects of these practices to help bring them to awareness and understanding. The insights will make some uncomfortable, yet they will lead to considering changes.

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Beliefs Drive Us In All Kinds of Ways

Beliefs drive everything we do and we usually don’t realize this.  We argue that a new communications model  explains well how beliefs work in our lives. When you combine the empirical and anecdotal evidence that we have absorbed over the years, you will come to appreciate how accurate our model tracks. We receive feedback about this all the time. 

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Why Is Character Important?

This article will show why a moral character is essential, what qualities are consistent with character development, and how it can serve you toward living an On-Purpose Life. It doesn’t matter what age you develop your character, whether in youth or any decade of your life. We encourage you to consider the following ideas:

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Benninghofen Legacy

This article explores the idea of investigating our family background to understand how we have been affected by that history. In this very personal context, history is important because answering questions about our family’s journey can help with our own journey. It may even point you in a new direction or have you question if you’re heading the correct way for you.

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Understanding Your Company Issues Bob Benninghofen Understanding Your Company Issues Bob Benninghofen

Nine Systemic Business Symptoms

This article, nine systemic business symptoms, is excerpted from data captured by our parent business Benninghofen Company's Leadership Mentoring Practice (Footnote 1). The data spans the most recent 15 years. The article is not a scholarly analysis, rather an accumulation of pointed observations taken from various software implementations, leadership mentoring, training, and facilitation projects with primarily small business owners (SBO’s) and a smattering of enterprise companies.

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